Cross-Chain Swaps
Trade across any blockchain without KYC or a centralised exchange

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Be aware of scams our token address is:



Beware of scams, always verify the token address before buying: 0xe77490465d3256ddc7322cc4293189b865c545ac

What is OracleSwap?
About the exchange
A decentralised P2P exchange built specifically for blockchains that don’t support smart contracts, such as Monero. It uses a novel protocol to trade tokens from and to these blockchains in a secure and KYCless way without the need for a centralised exchange. The technology uses blockchain-explorer oracles in order to ensure the trade is successful.
How does it work?
Swapping XMR for OSE
Provide OSE as collateral
First, you will need to provide some OSE tokens as collateral first to avoid locked-liquidity attacks.
Depending on how much collateral you provide, you will be able to trade a bigger amount of XMR.
Request a trade
In the OracleSwap contract, you will find many sellers willing to trade your XMR for OSE tokens. Look for the one that suits you best and request a trade from XMR to OSE.
Send XMR to the seller
Once you've requested the trade, the OracleSwap contract will give you the seller's address to send the XMR tokens.
Oracle’s verification
Once your XMR transaction is confirmed in the Monero blockchain, the Oracle will validate it is correct and release the OSE tokens to your OSE address.
OSE Token
OracleSwap Exchange token

OSE is EIP-2612 complaint, meaning you spend way less fees by using signatures with DApps instead of approving it.


We use OSE for all OracleSwap operations: trades, fees, deposits, collateral. You need to own OSE to fully operate with our Ecosystem.


OSE is the governance token of the protocol. You’ll be able to use your OSE to vote on protocol proposals.

Our Strategy and Project Plan
Token Release (Late 2021)
OSE token will be released in Polygon in 2021. We will do a presale and then open a QuickSwap pair for trading the token.
Testnet (Early 2022)
A beta release of OracleSwap will be released in a testnet. This will include the main contract, the oracle software and the DApp frontend.
Polygon (Mid 2022)
OracleSwap will be released in the Polygon network.

Our Team

1549065464266 (1)
Ivan Diaz
Ethereum Engineer
Martin VIllagra
Software Engineer
Juani Suarez
Trading Engineer
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